Go 11 units of distance in any direction. Turn 90 degrees clockwise and go 11 units of distance in a straight line. Turn 90 degrees clockwise and go 11 units of distance in a straight line. Turn 90 degrees clockwise and go 11 units of distance in a straight line.
You will have travelled along a square route whose total distance is 44 units. Alternatively you could have turned counter clockwise each time.
The area of square is : 1936.0
NO it is not a square root, sqrt 44 = 6.6. It must be equal to be rational.
Is 44 a whole number
8 √44 = √64 √44 = √(64 × 44) = √2816 ≈ 53.066
The area of square is : 1936.0
square root (44) = 6.63324958
The square root of 1,936 is: ± 44
NO it is not a square root, sqrt 44 = 6.6. It must be equal to be rational.
3x^2 = 44 divide both sides by 3; x^2 == 44/3 x = +,- square root of 44/3 write 44 = 4 x 11; x = +,- 2(square root of 11/3) multiply the square root of 11/3 by square root of 3/3; x = +,- (2/3)(square root of 33)
2 times the square root of 11
Is 44 a whole number
8 √44 = √64 √44 = √(64 × 44) = √2816 ≈ 53.066