The square root of 216 is 14.6969384567. This cubed is 3174.53870665.
6 times the square root of 6
It is: 15 and its proper value is 6 times square root of 6
36 x 6 = 216
The square root of 216 is ~14.7
The square root of 216 is 14.6969384567. This cubed is 3174.53870665.
6 times the square root of 6
sqrt(216) = 14.6969 (to 4 dp).
The square root of 36 is 6. 6 cubed is 216.
Well, honey, the square root of 36 is 6. And if you cube that, you get 216. So, there you have it, now go impress someone with your newfound math skills.
(x - 6 times the square root of 6)(x + 6 times the square root of 6)