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Q: What is the square root of 2x plus 1 3?
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(2x - i)(2x + i)where i is the square root of negative 1.x = 0.5i, -0.5i

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x2+10x+1 = -12+2x x2+8x+13 = 0 The solution: x = -4 + the square root of 3 or x = -4 - the square root of 3

How would you factor x2-2x plus 3 when trying to find the zeros of a function?

That doesn't factor neatly. Applying the quadratic equation, we find two imaginary solutions: 1 plus or minus i times the square root of 2x = 2.4142135623730951ix = 0.4142135623730951iwhere i is the square root of -1

X squared plus 2x equals 9?

x2+2x=9 we can complete the square or use the quadratic formula. Let's complete the square. add 2/2=1 to both sides and we ahve x2+2x+1=10 now factor the left side and use the square root property (x+1)2=10 so x+1= plus of minus the square root of 10 x=- 1+ or - square root of 10 using the quadratic formula we have a=1, b=2 and c=-9 so [-2+ or - (square root of (4+36))]/2= -1 + or - square root of 10 as we had before.

What is the square root of 2x plus 1 equals 3?

The answer will depend on how far the square root sign goes.If you want to solve for "x", I suggest you isolate the square root on the left (if it only covers the "2x" part, move the "1" to the other side of the equation). Then, if you square both sides of the equation, you get a formula which you can easily convert to a form which can be solved with the quadratic equation.

Factor x2-2x plus 50?

That doesn't factor neatly. Applying the quadratic equation, we find two imaginary solutions: 1 plus or minus 7i times the square root of 1.x = 1 + 7ix = 1 - 7iwhere i is the square root of negative one.

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That doesn't factor neatly. Applying the quadratic formula, we find 2 imaginary solutions: (-1 plus or minus the square root of -83) divided by 2x = -0.5 + 4.55521678957215ix = -0.5 - 4.55521678957215iwhere i is the square root of -1.

What is the solution to x2 plus 10x plus 1 equals -12 plus 2x?

x2+10x+1 = -12+2x x2+10x-2x+1+12 = 0 x2+8x+13 = 0 Solving by using the quadratic equation formula: x = - 4 - or + the square root of 3

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What is the soultion to x2 plus 10x plus 1 equals -12 plus 2x?

x = - 4 - or + the square root of 3 Solved by using the quadratic equation formula.

Solve the quadratic equation by completing the square x2 plus 2x plus 5 equals 0?

x2 + 2x + 5 = 0x2 + 2x + 5 - 5 = 0 - 5x2 + 2x = -5x2 + 2x + (2/2)2 = -5 + (2/2)2x2 + 2x + 12 = -5 + 1(x + 1)2 = -4sq. root of (x + 1)2 = sq. root of -4|x + 1| = 2ix + 1 = +&- 2ix + 1 - 1 = -1 +&- 2ix = -1 +&- 2i