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It is called a Vírgula

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Q: What is the squigaly line above the Ñ called?
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What is the line above the total called?

The line above the total is called the subtotal. It is referred to as above-the-line. It does not include deductions or taxes.

The line on a mountain above which trees do not grow?

The line on a mountain above which trees do not grow is called the tree line. It is sometimes called the timber line as well.

What is the line on a mountain above which it is to cold to grow trees called?

The line on a mountain above which its to cold for trees to grow is called the tree line.Not tree line it's timberline!

What is the line on a mountain above which its to cold for trees to grow called?

The line on a mountain above which its to cold for trees to grow is called the tree line.Not tree line it's timberline!

What is the number above the line in a fraction called?

it is a NumeratorBY:Emily

What is the line called above a repeating decimal?

A Vinclulum

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What is the line of elevation above which trees do not grow?

It is the timberline.

What term refrs to the text that is raised slightly above the regular line of text?

Text written slightly above the line (like this) is called superscript.Text written slightly below the line (like this) is called subscript.

How do you type some spanish symbols like the n with a squigaly line on the top?

You hold down the ALT button and type the numbers 0241 while still holding it down. Release the ALT button and your ñ will appear.

What is the line above a repeating number called?

a forever sign

What is the line above a word in Spanish called?

the accent mark