The line over a repeating decimal is called the vinculum.
It is placed over one length of repeating decimal digits.
0.63636 as a repeating decimal is 0.63 with a line over the 6 and the 3 Hope this helps :))
The line over the digits that repeat in a repeating decimal.
For a single repeating digit, it is a dot over the digit.For string of repeating digits, it can be a dot over the first and last repeating digits, or a bar over the repeating string.
The line over a repeating decimal is called the vinculum.
1. As a decimal value, write: .3 (with a horizontal line above the 3 or by writing (repeating)) 2. As a percentage, write: 33.3% or 33.3 percent (with a horizontal line above the 3 that is to the right of the decimal point or by writing (repeating))
Either, the decimal with a line over what's repeating (eg. 0.6 with a line over it), or decimal repeating (eg. "point six repeating").
a forever sign
for example if the decimal is 6.6 then to make it a repeating decimal you have to write it with a line on top of the .6 thats repeating
It is placed over one length of repeating decimal digits.
0.63636 as a repeating decimal is 0.63 with a line over the 6 and the 3 Hope this helps :))
A repeating decimal is represented by a horizontal line over the repeating part.So for example .3255555555..... would be __.3255and .33333333..... would be __.33
0.16666 repeating
The line over the digits that repeat in a repeating decimal.
The decimal for the fraction 7 over 9 is 0.7777…. This is a repeating decimal, which can be more cleanly expressed using a line (called a vinculum) over the repeating part, like this: 0.77 with a vinculum over the repeating portion of the number.