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Q: What is the sum of 8 2 to 7 and 6 5 to 7?
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What is the probability of getting a sum of 7 or 11 by rolling two dice?

There are 36 permutations of two dice. Of them, 6 have a sum of 7, (1+6, 2+5, 3+4, 4+3, 5+2, and 6+1) and 2 have a sum of 11 (5+6 and 6+5). The probability, then of getting a sum of 7 or 11 is (6 plus 2) in 36, or 8 in 36, or 2 in 9, or about 0.2222.

What is the expression for the sum of -2 and 6 and 7?

the sum of -2 and 6 and 7 is (-2+6+7)

What factors of 60 have a sum of 7?

4 and 3(4 + 3 = 7)or 1 and 6(1 + 6 = 7)or 5 and 2(5 + 2 = 7)

What is the probability of rolling a sum of a 5 or a sum of a 7?

On two 6-sided fair dice:Rolling a sum of 5: 4 out of 36, or 11.11%Rolling a sum of 7: 6 out of 36, or 16.67%Rolling a sum of either 5 or 7: 10 out of 36, or 27.78%Here's why: Look at the dice as unique, (maybe one is red and one is blue). Then there are 36 different possible outcomes.The four that give a sum of 5: 1+4, 2+3, 3+2, 4+1.The six that give sum of 7: 1+6, 2+5, 3+4, 4+3, 5+2, 6+1So there are 4 chances out of 36 (or 1 out of 9 = 11.11%) to get a sum of 5, and 6 chances out of 36 (or 1 out of 6 = 16.67%) to get a sum of 7. If you want either 5 or 7 as a sum, add the chances together to get 10 out of 36 (or 5 out of 18 = 27.78%)

What is the mean of 2 5 7 6?

mean=Sum of all observations(divided by)number of observations = 2+5+7+6(by)4 = 20(by)4 = 5

What addition problem equals the sum of 7?

0+7 1+6 2+5 3+4 4+3 5+2 6+1 7+0

What is expressions 7 multiplied by the sum of 2 and 5?

Sum of is a grouping symbol. 7*(2+5)

What are 5 pairs of integers that have the sum of -6?

-7, 1 -6, 0 -5, -1 -4, -2 -3, -3

What is the probability of rolling two dice and the sum is greater than 6?

7/12 ≈ 0.583 Probability is number_of_ways_of_success/total_number_of_ways. There are 36 possible ways 2 dice can land when thrown. To be more than 6, the sum can be 7, 8, ..., 12 There is 1 way to achieve 12 (6 & 6); 2 ways to achieve 11 (5 & 6 and 6 & 5); ... 6 ways to achieve 7 (1 & 6, 2 & 5, ..., 6 & 1); A Total of 1 + 2 + ... + 6 = 21 ways of getting a sum greater than 6. Thus the probability of throwing a sum greater than 6 is 21/36 = 7/12.

What is the sum of -2 and 5?

2 + 5 = 7

What is the mean of 2 2 5 5 5 5 6 7 10 11?

mean = sum of numbers/ nos58/10=5.8

What is the sum of ten?

1+9 2+8 3+7 4+6 5+5