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The sum of each row (or column or square) is 45.

There are 9 such rows (or columns or squares)

So grand total = 45*9 = 405

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Q: What is the sum of all the numbers in sudoku?
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If you were to add up all the numbers in a single Sudoku puzzle what would be their sum?

Sudoku does not have any addition. You just have to make sure that each row, column and 'sub square' has each of the nine digits (1-9) only once.

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There are at least two sudoku variants that use inequalities. One is greater-than sudoku, in which there are traditionally no given numbers and less-than and greater-than symbols are placed between cells. Another more obscure variant is greater-than killer sudoku, in which inequalities are placed between groups of numbers, indicating that the sum of one group is greater than the sum of another. is a great place to find both of these.

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The game you are thinking about it Sudoku The game you are thinking about it Sudoku

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The sum of all the numbers 1 through 200 is 20,100.

What is the answer to sudoku?

Sudoku is a game that requires players to fill squares with numbers so that every column, row, and large square contains the numbers from 1 to 9 without repetition. The word Sudoku stems from a Japanese phrase that means single digit.

How can a sudoku box with five prime numbers not contain 941?

A sudoku box cannot contain 5 prime numbers, so it is obviously an error. And once you accept that the numbers in the box are simply nonsense numbers, anything is possible.