The SUM is 31over63. When adding two fractions with uncommon denominators you give them a common denominator by multiplying the denominators. Then multiply the numerators by which their denominator was multiplied. This keeps the problem balanced. You would then have -18over63 plus 49over63. -18 plus 49 equals 31, giving you 31over63.
If you needed to divide negative 2 over 7 by 7 over 9, the answer would be -18/49 because you 'keep' the first fraction, 'change' the function to multiplication, and 'flip' the second fraction when dividing fractions.
The sum of -1/15 and -3/5 is -2/3
The sum of -1 and -2 is -3.
The total sum is -12 or negative twelve.
The sum is negative 8.
The sum of -1/15 and -3/5 is -2/3
The sum of -10 and -2 is -12.
The sum of -1 and -2 is -3.
The total sum is -12 or negative twelve.
The sum is negative 8.
The sum of 14 and -12 is 2.
The sum of 14 and -12 is 2.
The answer is -7. minus three plus one is minus two, adding a negative is the same as subtraction and so plus negative five means minus 5 so the sum is -2-5=-7 The Sum= -3+1-5 -2-5 -7
The sum of +9 and -11 is -2.
The sum of 9 and -11 is -2.