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Just area. Since there is no available term for the sum of the areas of all surfaces of a figure, we call that area of the "irregular" figure.

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Q: What is the sum of the areas of all the surfaces of a figure called?
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The sum of all the areas of a surface of a solid is called the 'surface area'.

What is the area of all the surfaces of a three dimensional figure?

It is the sum of the area of all the surfaces. There is no single formula - it will depend on the shape.

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It is a circle or a sphere

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A tetrahedron is a solid figure with four flat surfaces that are triangles. Each face of a tetrahedron is a triangle, making a total of four triangular faces in the shape.

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All you do is count the surfaces of it. It's not like your trying to find an actual face. :) If you count the surfaces you are sure to succeed.

How do you find the surface are of a composite figure?

Add the areas of all shapes or all faces that make up the composite figure.

What are all the formulas for surface area?

Surface Area is the sum of the areas of the surfaces in the figure. Surface Area of a Prism= 2lw+2lh+2wh Surface Area of a Cylinder= 2(3.14)r(r)+2(3.14)rh

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The total area of all surfaces of an object is called the surface area. It is a measure of how much exposed surface the object has.

How can the volume of a rectangular prism be measured other than length x width x height?

A solid parallelogram figure w/6 flat surfaces that are called faces. All the faces are rectagles.

How do I figure out the area of a compound figure?

Partition it into simple shapes and work out their areas. Then add together all the components.

How do you figure area when all 4 sides are different?

You need to cut up your figure into several parts in shapes for which we know how to calculate areas, such as squares, rectangles, and triangles. The area of your figure is the sum of the areas of its parts.

Where two surfaces meet?

The point at which two surfaces come together is called a junction or an intersection. This can create a seam or a joint, depending on how the surfaces are connected.