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The sum of all the areas of a surface of a solid is called the 'surface area'.

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Q: What is the sum of the areas of all the surfaces of a solid called?
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What is a solid rectangle called?

In geometry, a rectangular solid is called a rectangular solid. A cube is a rectangular solid that happens to have all surfaces equal.

What is the sum of the areas of all the surfaces of a figure called?

Just area. Since there is no available term for the sum of the areas of all surfaces of a figure, we call that area of the "irregular" figure.

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They all have solid, rocky surfaces.

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What are the different terms in solid mensuration?

1. Plane Figures- A flat, closed figure that is in a plane- A plane figure can be made of straight lines, curved lines, or both straight and curved lines.2. Solid Figures- The figures which occupy space are called solids.- Solids are three dimensional figures i.e., they have length, breadth & height.- There are two important facts related to solids-a. Every solid has a surface area. Some solids have plane surfaces, others have curved surfaces.b. Every solid has a 'bulk' & its bulk occupies some space.3. Surface area-It is the sum of areas of all visible (exposed) surfaces of a solid.4. Volume-It is the three dimensional space occupied by a solid, liquid or gas.5. Lateral surface area - is the sum of the surface areas of all its faces excluding the base.6. Total surface area - is the sum of the surface areas of all its faces including the base.

A what Is a solid with all flat surfaces enclosing a single region of space?

A polyhedron.

What is a solid shape with 3 surfaces?

A cylinder

Does friction only act on two solid surfaces?

Friction exists in all states of matter, whether solid, liquid, or gas. Of course, there is generally less friction when liquids or gas is involved, than there would be when two solid surfaces are involved.

How bumpy are all the planets outside?

Only Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars have solid surfaces, as well as various moons. The other planets are all gas giants. Pluto would be solid, but is no longer regarded as a planet. The different planets and moons that have solid surfaces also have hills, valleys, mountains, craters and plains like Earth.

How can the volume of a rectangular prism be measured other than length x width x height?

A solid parallelogram figure w/6 flat surfaces that are called faces. All the faces are rectagles.