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Q: What is the sum of two opposites combined in math?
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Why is the sum of two opposites easy to calculate?

Because by definition, there sum will always be zero. Because the definition of opposites are additive inverses.

What is the sum of two integers that are opposites justify the answer?

It is zero and that is simply because that is how additive opposites are defined.

What is the sum of two opposites?

If the negative has a greater absolute value, the sum will be negative. If the positive has a greater absolute value, the sum will be positive.

What is sum mean in math?

When you add two or more numbers together, the answer you get is called the sum.

What will be the combined voltage if AC and DC in series circuit?

the sum of the two

What are the opposite numbers that add to 100?

"Opposites" cannot mean additive opposites since, by definition, their sum must be 0. So "opposites" is likely to mean multiplicative opposites. This gives the equation x + 1/x = 100 Then the two numbers are 0.010010 and 99.989999 to 6 dp.

What is the opposite of sum in math?

Difference. A sum is the result of adding two numbers, and a difference is the result of subtracting two numbers.

What does sum mean in math?

Sum means add together. Eg: The sum of two and six is eight.

If a math question is two plus two what are the twos called if the four is the sum?

The components of the question in an addition sum are called "addends".

What is the most likely combined score when throwing two dice?

For normal dice, and assuming "combined" refers to the sum, the answer is 7.

A combination of two number in math can be called?

The Sum or Total.

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