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SA = 238.10976096 square meters.

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Q: What is the surface area of a cube with a volume of 250 cubic meters?
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The volume of a cube is 125 cubic mtr find the surface area of the cube?

The surface area of the cube is 150 square meters.

How many cubic meters in an area 59446 square meters with a depth of 7.5cm?

To find the volume, first convert the depth to meters (7.5cm = 0.075m). Then multiply the area (59446 sqm) by the depth (0.075m) to get the volume in cubic meters. So, the volume is 4458.45 cubic meters.

How do you Convert cubic in to cubic meters?

There is no direct conversion. Cubic meters is volume and square meters is area.

Is the surface area of a rectangular prism unsquared equal to the volume of that prism?

A surface area and a volume are qualitatively different. If for some body the surface area and the volume are numerically equal in one unit of measurement, then in another unit of measurement they won't be the same. For example, a cube of 6 m x 6 m x 6 m cube has a a volume of 216 cubic meters, and an area of 216 square meters, but if you calculate volume and surface area in cubic centimeters, the volume is a number that is 100 times greater.

What is the ratio of surface area to volume for a sphere with the following measurements surface area equals 300 meters squared volume equals 500 meters cubed?

It is not possible to have a sphere with a surface are of 300 metres squared and a volume of 500 metres cubed. A surface area of 300 sq metres would imply a volume of 488.6 cubic metres or a shape that is non-spherical!

If a house is 2250 cubic meters how much is that in square meters?

Does not convert. Cubic meters is volume and square meters is area.

What is the surface area of a cube that has a volume of 27 cubic inches?

The surface area of a cube that has a volume of 27 cubic inches is: 54 square inches.

What is the cubic meter of an area measuring 4 meters by 1.3 meters by 1.3 meters?

It's called "volume", not "area".The volume is (4 x 1.3 x 1.3) = 6.76 cubic meters

Convert 147.9 square meters to cubic meters?

it is impossible. square meters are for measuring an area cubic meters measure volume.

A sphere has a surface area of 324 pi square inches What is the volume?

A sphere with a surface area of 324pi cubic inches has a volume of: 3,054 cubic inches.

A roadway has a volume of 750 cubic meters and an area of 15 square meters What is it's length?

To find the length of the roadway, divide the volume by the area: 750 cubic meters / 15 square meters = 50 meters. The length of the roadway is 50 meters.