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Since clearly the question was copied out of an assignment with no thought whatsoever, I'm going to have to guess at what shape the base is and which dimensions have been given.

As the base is described as 9 [units] by 9 [units], I'll guess that it has a square base.

Next, the height of the pyramid is given as 10 [units]. With no picture, I'm going to have to guess where the apex is above the base - the position of the apex will affect the total surface area; I'll workout two such scenarios:

  • Right square based pyramid:
As the apex is located over the centre of the base, all four triangular sides are equal. The height of each triangle can be worked out using Pythagoras: by joining the apex to the centre of the base, and then the centre of the base to the centre of one of one of the sides of the square base and thence from here to the apex. Third side, the hypotenuse of the triangle just described, is the height of the triangular side used to find its area:

height_triangle = √(102 + (9/2)2) = 1/2 x √(202 + 92) = 1/2 x √481

→ total surface area = area_base + 4 x area_triangular_sides

= 9 x 9 + 4 x 1/2 x 9 x 1/2 x √481

= 9 x 9 + 9 x √481

≈ 278.39 sq units

  • Oblique square based pyramid with the apex directly over one of the corners of the base:
In this case, there are two sets of identical triangles - the two next to the corner over which the apex is situated, and the other two triangles.

For the two next to the corner, their total area is: 2 x 1/2 x 9 x 10 sq units

For the other two triangles, their height is the hypotenuse of the first two triangles, so their total area is: 2 x 1/2 x 9 x √(102 + 92) sq units

→ total surface area = area_base + area_sides_next_to_corner_under_apex + area_other_two_sides

= 9 x 9 + 2 x 1/2 x 9 x 10 + 2 x 1/2 x 9 x √(102 + 92)

= 9 x 9 + 9 x 10 + 9 x √181

≈ 292.08 sq units

The original answer (below) assumes that it is a right square based pyramid with the a slant height (ie height of each triangular side) of 10 [units].

You will need to use the area of 4 triangles, and 1 square to find the surface area of a regular pyramid. The answer to the surface area of a regular pyramid is 261 sq. units.

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Q: What is the surface area of a regular pyramid with a height 10 base 9 by 9?
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How do you find the Surface area of pyramids?

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How do you find the surface area of a regular pyramid?

Surface Area= 1/2perimeter x slant height + B * * * * * Perimeter = perimeter of base. B = Area of base.

How do you find find the surface area?

The surface area of a pyramid is the area of all the faces of the pyramid, for a pyramid with apex in the centre and a regular polygon as its base, (the bottom of a pyramid is the base, it is regular if all sides are the same length) the surface area is: B + 1/2(P * H) where B is the area of the base, P is the perimeter (area around) the base and H is the height of the pyramid.

How do you find surface area of a regular pyramid?

Area = B + ( (PH)/2 ) Where B is the base area, P is the base perimeter and H is the piramid height.

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It is not possible to answer the question because the shape of the base is not known. As a result the surface area of the base, and hence the total surface area cannot be calculated.

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Such a pyramid cannot exist. If it is a regular pyramid with side length 8, its slant height MUST be less than 8. In fact, it is approx 6.39.

What is the formula for the surface area of a regular pyramid?

Its when you multiple the base times the height and divide by the width. Formula: (B x H) divided by W

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Find the surface area of each individual face and then add them together to give the total surface area of the pyramid.

What is the formula to find the area of pyramid?

It has to do with the surface area formula: To find the total surface area of a pyramid, use this equation: Surface Area = B + 1/2 * P * s B = base area P = perimeter of the base s = slant height To find the volume of a Pyramid, substitute into this equation: V=1/3Bh B=base area h=height of pyramid