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Q: What is the symbol for integers and were does it come from and what does it means?
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What is the symbol for integers where does it come from and what does it means?

The symbol for the set of integers is Z. This comes from the German Zahl, which means integer.

What is the symbol integers and where does it come from and what does it mean?

The symbol for the set of integers is Z and it comes from the German word Zahlen, meaning numbers.

What is the symbol for integers and what does it mean?

The symbol is Z from the German word for integers, zahl.

What is the sign for integers where did it come from and what does it mean?

The symbol for the set is Z, from the German Zahlen meaning numbers.

What is the symbol for integers where does it come from and what does it mean?

The set of integers consists of zero, the natural numbers and their inverse (negatives). This is denoted by a boldface Z standing for the German word Zahlen. It means that Z is a subset of the sets of rational and real numbers and is countably infinite.

Is greater than in integers means addition?

No. "Greater than" is for comparing which number is larger, and is denoted with the symbol >.

What symbol is used for integers?

The set of integers is represented by Z.

What is the symbol for integers were does it came from and what does s it mean?

The symbol for the set of integers is Z from the German word "zahl" = integer.

What is the symbol for integers and what does the symbol stand for?

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What is the symbol used to denote a set of integers?

Any symbol can be used to denote a set of integers. The set of all integers is denoted by Z, and the set of natural numbers by N.

What is the symbol for integers were does it come from and what does it mean?

The symbols for integers (not the set of integers) are often the letters n, i, j and k. In some early programming languages, any variable whose name started with the letters i to n (inclusive) was an integer variable.

What does the symbol Z mean nin integers?

ℤ is the symbol for the set of all integers, that is {..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...}.