The symbol used for a negative is a minus Sign
It goes after the negative symbol. For instance, if you have negative four dollars, you would write it as such:-$4.00
It is a dash (-) before the absolute value of the integer.
When dealing with negative in math you live In opposite land so the symbol points to the bigger # in other words -1.3
The symbol used for a negative is a minus Sign
The symbol for a negative charge is "-".
Positive is usually indicated by the color red or by a "+" symbol. Negative is indicated by black or by a "-" symbol.
The greater than symbol is > Example: -5 negative is greater than -10 negative -5 > -10
Iodide is iodine with a negative charge, and is thus written as I-.
Negative (minus) means that you are most likely not pregnant.
The positive symbol is typically represented by a plus sign (+), indicating addition or affirmation. The negative symbol is usually represented by a minus sign (-), indicating subtraction or negation.
just have the fraction be negative(do this by putting the negative symbol on the denominator, numerator or before the fraction).
It goes after the negative symbol. For instance, if you have negative four dollars, you would write it as such:-$4.00
The symbol is O, and the charge is negative 2
Minus Sign