yes a graph has to start from a point 0.
It is called a graph cut.Example: increments go from 0 straight to 40
It is the point of origin of the x and y axes of the graph
The origin or (0, 0)
0 is a symbol for the absence of a number.
when you have a chart or graph that starts at a very high number in which case, there is a symbol for that.
sin(0) = 0 but, in general, the sine graph need not start at 0. For example, sin(x + 2) does not start at 0.
No. There is no symbol showing between the y and the 0.
start on the letter a.
yes a graph has to start from a point 0.
It is called a graph cut.Example: increments go from 0 straight to 40
It is called a graph cut.Example: increments go from 0 straight to 40
It is the point of origin of the x and y axes of the graph
If the discriminant = 0 then the graph touches the x axis at one point If the discriminant > 0 then the graph touches the x axis at two ponits If the discriminant < 0 then the graph does not meet the x axis
O is the chemical symbol of oxygen.
You may call it the intersections of two perpendicular axis. In terms of coordinates, origin is also referred to as (0, 0).
(0, 0)