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Q: What is the temperature scale that is used in everyday life in most of the world except the US?
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What type of temperature scale does Australia use?

Celsius. Most of the world except the US uses celsius.

What is the most common temperature scale in the world?

The Celsius scale is the most common temperature scale used worldwide, especially in scientific and everyday applications. It is based on 0°C as the freezing point of water and 100°C as the boiling point of water at sea level.

Chemistry uses the celsius thermometer scale for measuring activities?

Everybody in the world uses for temperature degrees Celsius, except the USA.

Why is Celsius important?

Celsius is important because it is a widely used unit of temperature measurement in the world, especially in scientific and technological fields. It is based on the properties of water, making it a practical scale for everyday use. Celsius is also part of the International System of Units (SI), ensuring consistency in temperature measurements globally.

The temperature scale used in most of the world is the?

Celsius is the temperature scale that is used in most of the world.

What is the temperature scale used most in the world?


Is a temperature scale named after anders Celsius?

Yes, the temperature scale named after Anders Celsius is called the Celsius scale. It is a common temperature scale used in many countries around the world.

Where Celsius scale used for temperature?

The Celsius scale is used for measuring temperature in most countries around the world, including in scientific settings, weather reporting, and everyday use. It is based on the freezing and boiling points of water, with 0°C representing freezing and 100°C representing boiling at sea level.

Anders Celsius invention?

Anders Celsius invented the Celsius temperature scale in 1742, using 0 as the freezing point of water and 100 as the boiling point. This scale is widely used in scientific and everyday applications around the world.

How does Celsius work?

Celsius is a temperature scale that sets the freezing and boiling points of water at 0°C and 100°C, respectively, at standard atmospheric pressure. The temperature scale is based on dividing the range between these two points into 100 equal parts. Celsius is commonly used in many countries around the world for everyday purposes.

Is the Fahrenheit scale most familiar to people?

The Fahrenheit scale is the temperature scale most familiar to most people in the US. However for the rest of the world, the Celsius scale is the one that is most familiar.

What temperature scale is used by most nations in the world?

commonly used? well fahrenheit and celsius/centigrade(same thing) for weather temperature. Then there is kelvin used in technical/scientific situations and thats about it for common usage so 3 is the answer. There are up to seven different temperature scales but only 3 are used commonly