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Q: What is the term for a fraction that represents quantities that are equal to or more than one unit?
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What does a fraction show?

A fraction represents a part of a whole or, more generally, any number of equal parts. When spoken in everyday English, a fraction describes how many parts of a certain size there are.

A comparison of two quantities?

What is called a statement of comparing of two or more different quantities

What are the different relationships between quantities?

more, less, equal

What is a math sentence stating two quantities or expressions are equal?

A mathematical statement that two quantities or expressions are equal is called an equation.

Is 9.8 greater than 9.80?

no they are equal

How can you tell if a fraction is less than equal to more than one?

If numerator (top number) is less than denominator (bottom number), fraction is less than 1. If numerator is more than denominator, fraction is more than 1. If top and bottom are the same number, fraction is equal to 1.

What does it mean when the top and bottom number of a fraction are equal?

It is a whole number which would equal 1 or more

Why is a fraction a fraction?

A fraction is a "fraction" because it represent a number of smaller "pieces" or "parts" of a whole. For example 1/3 represents one of three equal sections of a whole object (1). The fraction 2/3 is equal to two of those parts (thirds) of the whole. Sometimes fractions will be "improper" with a larger numerator than a denominator. Working with the number 4/3 is usually more convenient than using the equivalent "mixed number" which is 1 1/3 -- and where the decimal version is not exact (1.333333...).

What are four kinds of relationships between physical quantities?

The relationship can be more than, equal to, less than or a ratio.

What does a fraction mean?

Fraction Basically means dividing different shape(or other things) into parts, and then finding out the numerator, which tells you the fraction.

Is a whole number bigger than a friaction?

No. For any given fraction, you can find whole numbers that are more than, and whole numbers that are less than, the fraction. For example, if your fraction is 5/2 (equal to 2 1/2), 2 is less, and 3 is more, than this fraction.

What is the definition of ratio table?

A table that represents the relationships between different ratios, also it shows a comparison of two or more quantities.