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Q: What is the term for weight multiplied by velocity?
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How do you convert radians per second to meters per second?

the tangential velocity is equal to the angular velocity multiplied by the radius the tangential velocity is equal to the angular velocity multiplied by the radius

How do you find final Velocity of an object?

The final velocity is (the initial velocity) plus (the acceleration multiplied by the time).

What formula is density multiplied by velocity?

The formula for momentum is density multiplied by velocity. Momentum is the product of an object's mass density and its velocity.

What is the formula for calculating displacement in which initial velocity and time are the variables?

If the velocity is constant, thenDisplacement = (initial velocity) multiplied by (time)

Is it correct to say that force multiplied by time is equal to the change in mass multiplied by velocity?

8 multiplied by 6 equals 48

Is impulse equal to velocity multiplied by time?


This is equal to the initial velocity plus acceleration multiplied by time?

That's the velocity at any time.

What is the product of mass multiplied by velocity?

That is called "momentum".

What two things are multiplied together to get momentum?

-- mass -- velocity

What is an object's mass multiplied by its velocity?

mass x velocity = momentum. (velocity = speed with a direction)

What is acceleration multiplied by time?

Acceleration multiplied by time gives the change in velocity experienced by an object during that time period. This is represented by the formula: change in velocity = acceleration x time.

What is velocity squared?

Velocity squared is the velocity of an object multiplied by itself. It represents the kinetic energy of the object. Mathematically, it can be expressed as v^2, where v is the velocity of the object.