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Q: What is the term that means relating to or near the ear?
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Auricular means related to the external ear. audiology

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Which part means ear in otorhinolaryngology?

The term "oto" refers to the ear in otorhinolaryngology, which is the medical specialty focusing on conditions of the ear, nose, and throat.

What is a 10-letter word relating to the ear?

One ten-letter word relating to the ear is "otologist," which is a medical specialist who deals with the diagnosis and treatment of ear disorders.

What is the medical term meaning behind the ear?

Auricle is the medical term for the outer ear.The part you see on the outside is the auricle.AuricleaurisThe medical term for ear is auricle, though I have never heard anyone use that term outside of anatomy lab.

What is the term that means abnormal discharge from the ear?

Otorrhea is the medical term for abnormal discharge from the ear. It can be caused by various factors such as ear infections, trauma, or foreign objects in the ear canal. Prompt evaluation by a healthcare provider is important to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.

What is the medical term meaning discharge from the ear?

otorrhoeaOtopyorrhea (ot/o means ear, py/o means pus, -rrhea means flow or discharge)

What is the medical term meaning stones in the ear?

An otolith, which translated literally means ear stone, is a part of the vestibular system in the ear.

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5 letter word relating to the ear?


What is a four-letter word relating to the ear?


What is the term for an infection of the middle ear caused by a bacteria or virus?

Otitis media is the term used for an infection of the middle ear. Oti- means ear; -tis means inflammation and med- means middle. This infection occurs between the tympanic membrane (ear drum) and the inner ear. Either bacterial infections, which include Staph, or viral infections, due to Influenza, are causes. Fungal infections also occur.