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The theoretical probability is 1. Lots of people have done it in the course of their lives so it is an event that has happened and will happen again.

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Q: What is the theoretical probability of rolling two dice 100 times?
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What are theoretical and expierimental probability?

Theoretical probability is the probability of something occurring when the math is done out on paper or 'in theory' such as the chance of rolling a six sided dice and getting a 2 is 1/6. Experimental probability is what actually occurs during an experiment trying to determine the probability of something. If a six sided dice is rolled ten times and the results are as follows 5,2,6,2,5,3,1,4,6,1 then the probability of rolling a 2 is 1/3. The law of large numbers states the more a probability experiment is preformed the closer to the theoretical probability the results will be.

What is probability of rolling doubles with 2 dice 100 times?

The probability of rolling doubles with 2 dice is 1 in 6, or about 0.1667. The probability of doing that 100 times in a row is 0.1667100 or about 1.531x10-78.

What is the probability of rolling a sum of 7 and 11?

The answer depends on how many dice you are rolling and how many times.

What is theoretical probability of rolling a 2?

on a dice it would be 1/6, 0.166666666 (so on, unless rounded), and 16.667% (when rounded)

What is the theoretical probability of not rolling a 2?

1/6= 2 because there is only one 2. Therefore the theoretical probability of not rolling a two is the same as everything but two so 5/6.

Probability of rolling doubles with two dice?

The probability of rolling doubles with two dice is 1 in 6, or about 0.167.

When rolling a pair of dice what is the probability of rolling two?

The probability is 1/36.

What is the probability of rolling doubles three time in a row After rolling a dice 250 times?

the chances of rolling doubles once is 1 in 6; 3 times in a row it is 1 in 216. It does not make any difference after how many times you rolled the dice before.

What is the probability of rolling a seven on a dice?

0% probability

When two dice are rolled what is the probability of not getting a sum of 12?

The probability of rolling 12 with 2 dice is 1 in 36. The probability of not rolling 12 with 2 dice is 35 in 36.

What is the probability of rolling an even number with 3 dice?

With one roll of three dice, the probability is 7/8.

What is the probability of rolling the number 1 when rolling two dice?

The probability is 11/36.