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Q: What is the third term of a sequence that has a first term of 3 and a common ratio of 3?
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What is the third term of a sequence that has a first term of 3 and a cammon ratio of 3?

The use of the expression 'common ratio' means that the sequence is a Geometric series where the terms are of the form a, ar ar2, ar3, ...arn-1 where a is the first term and r is the common ratio. The third term, a3 = 3 x 32 = 3 x 9 = 27

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What is a successive ratio?

In a sequence, the ratio of the third term to the second term is the one successive from the ratio of the second to the first. The successive ratios are : u2/u1, u3/u2, u4/u3 and so on. In a geometric sequence, these would all be the same.

What are some sequence words?

Some sequence words are first, second, third, then, next, after that

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a sequence of a story is like what happened first, second, third etc

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The cast of Blade af Satans bog - 1920 includes: Karina Bell as Naimi (fourth sequence) Hugo Bruun as Count Manuel (third sequence) Nalle Halden as The Majordomo (second sequence) Erling Hanson as John (first sequence) Hallander Helleman as Don Gomez de Castro (second sequence) Carl Hillebrandt as Rautamiemi (fourth sequence) Halvard Hoff as Jesus (first sequence) Wilhelm Jensen as Carpenter Tenna Kraft as Marie Antoinette (third sequence) Vilhelm Petersen as Fouquier-Tinville (third sequence) Elith Pio as Joseph (third sequence) Clara Pontoppidan as Siri (fourth sequence) Sven Scholander as Michonnet (third sequence) Jacob Texiere as Judas (first sequence) Jeanne Tramcourt as Lady Genevive de Chambord (third sequence) Viggo Wiehe as Count de Chambord (third sequence) Emma Wiehe as The Countess of Chambord (third sequence) Carlo Wieth as Paavo (fourth sequence)

What are sequencing words?

Some sequence words are first, second, third, then, next, after that

The sequence of events in literary work?

A Plotlist how the events happened, in the sequence they happened in. What happened first, second, third and so forth.

What is the largest mumber which divides into every third term of the Fibonacci Sequence?

First 18 terms of the sequence are: 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987,1597, 2584. Every third term is 2,8,34,144,610,2584. These are all even so the largest number is likely 2.

If the sum of an infinite geometric series is 12 and the common ratio is one third then term 1 is what?

Eight. (8)

What is series in math?

It is a set of numbers derived from a sequence. The first number in the series is the first number of the sequence. The second number in the series is the sum of the first two numbers of the sequence. The third number in the series is the sum of the first three numbers of the sequence. and so on. Mathematically, a series is easily defined using the sigma notation but that, unfortunately, is beyond the scope of this browser.

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