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The time is 4:40 - I'll leave the calculations up to you !

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Q: What is the time at 10 degree East when it is 4 pm at greenwich?
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What is the time at 10 degree east when it is 4 pm at Greenwhich calculate the time?

find the time elapsed in i degree by dividing 360 by 1440 which is no of mins in day. east of greenwich is later so it is the gmt plus 10x unit calculated ie 4mins= i degree, so its 40 mins later

What is the time at Cairo 30 degree east when time is 10 AM at Chennai 80 degree east?

There is a 5-hour time difference between Cairo (30° east) and Chennai (80° east), with Cairo being behind Chennai. So, when it's 10 AM in Chennai, it would be 5 AM in Cairo.

If it is 700pm Sunday night in Australia what would be the time in Italy?

The east coast of Australia is at Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) +10 hours Italy is at Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) +1 hours If it 7:00 pm on Sunday in Sydney, it is 10:00 am Sunday morning in Italy.

What is the time difference is Honolulu and new York?

US Eastern Time - is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -5 hours, ie. 5 hours behind Greenwich, England. Hawaii Time - is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -10 hours, ie. 10 hours behind Greenwich, England. Honolulu is 5 hours behind the US east coast. (Daylight savings not taken into account.) New York is 6 hrs. ahead of Hawaii from March to November and 5 hrs. ahead from November to March.

Timezones for Sydney?

Sydney is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT +10 hours, ie. 10 hours ahead of Greenwich, England.

How many hours between the time in Germany and the time in Australia?

Germany is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT +1 hour, ie. 1 hour ahead of Greenwich, England. Australia has 3 Time Zones. Eastern is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT +10 hours, ie. 10 hours ahead of Greenwich, England. Central is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT +9.5 hours, ie. 9.5 hours ahead of Greenwich, England. Western is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT +8 hours, ie. 8 hours ahead of Greenwich, England. Germany is 8-10 hours behind Australia. (Daylight savings not taken into account.)

What time is 10am est on the west coast?

US Eastern Time - is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -5 hours, ie. 5 hours behind Greenwich, England. US Pacific Time - is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -8 hours, ie. 8 hours behind Greenwich, England. If it is 10am on the US east coast, it is 7am on the US west coast. (Daylight savings not taken into account.)

If it's 900 AM in San Francisco what time is it in Honolulu?

US Pacific Time - is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -8 hours, ie. 8 hours behind Greenwich, England. US Hawaii Time - is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -10 hours, ie. 10 hours behind Greenwich, England. If it is 9am in San Francisco, it is 7am in Honolulu.

Why are some states in USA ahead by two hours while others are not?

The USA has 6 Time Zones including Alaska and Hawaii. Eastern Time - is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -5 hours, ie. 5 hours behind Greenwich, England. Central Time - is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -6 hours, ie. 6 hours behind Greenwich, England. Mountain Time - is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -7 hours, ie. 7 hours behind Greenwich, England. Pacific Time - is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -8 hours, ie. 8 hours behind Greenwich, England. Alaska Time - is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -9 hours, ie. 9 hours behind Greenwich, England. Hawaii Time - is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -10 hours, ie. 10 hours behind Greenwich, England.

What is GMTtime for 2AMPacific time?

2 AM Pacific Standard Time = 10 AM Greenwich Mean Time 2 AM Pacific Daylight Saving Time = 9 AM Greenwich Mean Time

When Greenwich time is 10 am the corresponding Indian standard time will be?

3.30 PM

When does Howrse update in Australia?

It updates from 7am - 7:30 am Greenwich Mean Time. Australia has 3 timezones and is 8 - 10 hours ahead of GMT, from east to west.