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Average acceleration = (amount of change in speed velocity) / (time for the change) =

(30 - 10) / (4) = 5 meters per second2 to the east

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Not enough information. You need the starting velocity, the ending velocity, and the time elapsed.

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Q: The velocity of a car changes from 10 ms to the east to 30 ms to the east in 4 seconds What is the acceleration of the car?
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A cars velocity changes from 20 m s to 50 m s 10 seconds later What is the cars average acceleration?

5 m/s2 east

Direction of an object's velocity changes uniformly frome east to north What is the direction of acceleration?

North-west. More specifically, as the object's velocity direction changes uniformly from east to north, the acceleration and force producing this acceleration are both constant and changing direction uniformly from north to west.

What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the car who is traveling along east with a constant velocity?

acceleration is the change in velocity by change in time (often meters/second/second). so, if a car was travelling 10m/s and ten seconds later, it is travelling 20m/s in the same direction, the acceleration would be (20m/s-10m/s)/10s=1m/s/s. with a constant velocity the change in velocity is zero (x m/s - x m/s)/y s=0m/s/s and acceleration is also zero.

Can a body moving with certain velocity in the direction of east have acceleration in the direction of west?


A kangaroo hops 60 meters to the east in 5 seconds what is the velocity?

12m/s east

Can an object have velocity and acceleration vectors that point in opposite directions?

Yes it can, and it's really easy. -- A stone tossed upward, before it peaks and starts falling, has upward velocity and downward acceleration. -- A car driving east and slowing for a stop-sign has eastward velocity and westward acceleration.

A Kangaroo hops 60 m to the east in 5 seconds What is the kangaroo's velocity?

It's 60 divided by 5, Which is 12m/s east. Velocity is a vector for speed, since velocity has a direction and speed does not. Velocity has the SI units of meters per second. So you take the meters and divide by how many seconds to get your velocity.

Is there a velocity to the eastern direction to an object which is having a acceleration to the west?

Yes, if it is already moving East but decelerating i.e. accelerating to the west. The other condition when there is velocity to the east while accelerating to the west is when it is moving at an angle to the East-West line.

Can a body moving with certain velocity in the direction of east have aeleration in the direction of west explain how?

Yes a body moving with some velocity in the direction of east have acceleration in the west because when the body will stop or exerts brakes so the body will move a little back and acceleration will be produced in the opposite direction which is west.

Which measurements involve a direction?

Vector measurements involve a direction. For example, 28km/h, E. The measurement of 28km/h is present, plus the direction, east. Displacement, velocity, force, and acceleration are examples of vector quantities.

Can an object have east ward velocity if it has west ward acceleration?

Sure. That's exactly what happens every time you're driving east and you put on the brakes.

Under what condition a body whose velocity is directed towards east has an acceleration directed west?

In circular motion an object accelerates towards the radius of the circle but its velocity is unchanged