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Q: What is the time when the big hand is on 11 and the little hand is nearly on 5?
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what is the big hand on 11 little hand on 2?

When the big hand on 11 little hand on 2, the time is 1:55.

What is the time if the big hand is on 7 and the little hand is in between the 2 and 3?

what is the time if the big hand is on 7 and the little hand is between 2 and 3

Is the little hand the hour hand on a clock?

No. The little hand is the minute hand. The big hand is the hour hand. The long hand is not the big hand, it is the little hand. The short hand is not the little hand, it is the big hand. Grab a dictionary and research the meaning of big, little, short, and long. The shorter hand is the "BIG" hand because it identifies the larger unit of time < hour >. The longer hand it the "LITTLE" hand because it identifies the smaller unit of time <minute>. If you have missed this part of the concept of measuring time then you have been listeniing to a misinformed moron who just taught school for the paycheck and did not understand what they were doing.

What time is it on a clock when the big hand is facing the 11 and the little hand faces the 4?

On a clock when the big hand is facing the 11 and the little hand faces the 4, the time is 3:55.

If the little hand is on the 1 and the big hand is on the 6 what time is it?

1:30 Wrong. The "LITTLE" hand indicates the minute of the hour and the"BIG" hand indicates the hour of the day (or at least half day - AM/PM). The minute hand is the LITTLE hand because it represents the smaller unit of time when compared to an hour which is indicated by the BIG hand. Granted, the longer hand is longer than the shorter hand but it is was historically always thinner than the hour hand. Thinner = LITTLE And the hour hand was always shorter but fatter than the minute hand. Fatter = BIG The reason they were originally called "BIG" and "LITTLE" was based on the amount of time each represents. Hour is 60 times bigger than minute. Hour is BIG and minute is LITTLE. Hour hand is BIG HAND and minute hand is LITTLE HAND. End of story

What time is it on a clock when the big hand is facing the 6 and the little hand faces the 5?

On a clock when the big hand is facing the 6 and the little faces the 5, it would be 5:30.

What is the answer to this big hand on 8 and the little hand is 3 minutes to 6 and have to be in the morning?

It is time to get the hands on the clock realigned!If the little hand is at "3 minutes to 6" then that suggests a time between 5:00 and 5:30 - around 5:24. At that time, the big hand cannot be on 8.

How does digital clock affect children to tell time?

By not learning the meaning of the big hand and little hand

Is the little hand on a clock the hour hand or minute hand?

The LITTLE hand is the minute hand. Little does not mean short, it means thin. The longer hand is the LITTLE hand. The BIG hand is the hour hand. Big does not mean long, it means fat, wider. The BIG hand is the hour hand because it denotes the larger unit of time measure. An hour is 60 times larger than a minute. So then, the LITTLE hand denotes the smaller unit of time, a minute. Somewhere along the way some not-too-bright primary school teacher didn't get it right and passed it along incorrectly and lots of people since then have totally missed the connection between BIG=HOUR and LITTLE=MINUTE.

What time is it on a clock when the big hand is facing the 12 and the little hand faces the 5?

5 o' clock

What did the big watch hand say to the little watch hand?

The big hand said to the little hand, "Hey, why do you move so fast, I'm to big and slow.

Which hands are big hands and little hands?

The little hand is the hour hand on a clock, while the big hand is the minutes.