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The formula for the first n positive numbers is n x (n+1)/2, so for n=11 the sum is 11 x 12 /2 = 66

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Q: What is the total of the first eleven positive integers?
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900 This explains it. A positive integer is a palindrome if it reads the same forward and backwards such as 1287821 and 4554. Determine the number of 5-digit positive integers which are NOT palindromes. We start by counting the total number of 5 digit positive integers. The first digit is between 1 and 9, so we have 9 choices. Each of the other 4 digits can be anything at all (10 choices for each). This gives us 9(10)4 = 90000 five-digit positive integers. Now we need to count the number of 5 digit palindromes. Again, we have 9 choices for the first digit and 10 choices for each of the next two. The tens and units digits however are fixed by our choices so far. Therefore, there are only 900 five-digit palindromes. Therefore, the total number of five-digit positive integers which are not palindromes is 90000-900 = 89100.

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The first ten positive numbers total 55.

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To find the average of integers, add them all together then divide the total by the number of integers.

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