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Q: What is the trade off when using an incline plane not do for you?
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Is a pan a simple machine?

Yes, it is it allows you to slide something off the pan without using a lot of effort its an incline plane

Is a fry pan a simple machine?

Yes, it is it allows you to slide something off the pan without using a lot of effort its an incline plane

What is the trade off when using and inclined plane?

More distance, less force

What is the trade off for using a wedge?

The trade off for using a wedge is that it provides mechanical advantage to split objects but requires more force to push it in compared to an inclined plane. It also needs a longer distance to achieve the same separation, making it less efficient in some cases.

Using trade-off in a sentence?

For most products you can buy, there is a trade-off between quality and price.

How does an incline plane reduce amount of input force needed?

by increasing distance over which the force is applied

Why are wedges and screws are actually types of incline planes?

Why is the wedge and screw actually an inclined plane? Well, screws are actually tapering, if you take the ridge off and lay it flat. The screw is actually nothing but an inclined plane wrapped around a small pole. The wedge is an inclined plane because it starts at a point, then goes up, getting thicker, like an inclined plane. It's just that a knife's not used to lift a box of glasses onto a train. Imagine using an inclined plane as a knife!

What is a trade-off for using a screw?

im looking for answers also.........

What accurately describes a trade-off of using biomass as a fuel?

One trade-off of using biomass as a fuel is the competition for land use between food production and energy crops. Additionally, biomass combustion can release air pollutants and greenhouse gases, contributing to environmental issues. Finally, the transportation and storage of biomass can be costly and energy-intensive.

How does a sea plane fly on the sea?

The sea plane do not fly on sea.The plane just takes off and lands in the sea.You can take of from the sea by accelerating using forward key and then press the key that is used for wheelie.

How do you make a sentence using the word trade-off?

trade-off means: the exchange of one thing for another of more or less equal value,especially to effect a compromise. and its a noun

What is the effective of using an inclined plane to lift an object?

Using an inclined plane to lift an object reduces the amount of force required to lift the object by increasing the distance over which the force is applied. The trade-off is that the force needs to be applied over a longer distance, but the overall work done remains the same. Inclined planes are useful for reducing the amount of force needed to lift heavy objects, making it easier to transport them vertically.