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Any type of energy is measured in joules (in the SI).

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Q: What is the unit for measuring impact energy?
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Related questions

What unit measured energy?

The SI unit for measuring energy is the joule (J).

Is joule a type of energy?

No, it is a unit for measuring energy.

The unit for measuring the rate at which light energy is rediated from a source is what?

The unit for measuring the rate at which light energy is radiated from a source is the watt (W).

What is the SI unit For measuring energy?

The joule.

What is the unit of measuring kinetic energy?

Joules, all energy is measured in joules.

Unit for measuring Energy?

The unit for measuring energy is the joule (J), named after the physicist James Prescott Joule. Another common unit for energy is the calorie (cal), which is often used in the context of nutrition.

What is the SI unit for measuring inpact energy?

In the SI, any energy is measured in Joules.

How many Hours equal 135 calories?

Hour is the measuring unit of time and calorie is the measuring unit of energy so you must correct your question.

What is the unit for measuring the rate at which light energy is radiated from a source?

The lumen is the unit used to measure the rate at which light energy is radiated from a source. The lumen represents the international standard unit of luminous flux that is based on the candela.

What is the si unit of measuring for allforms of energy?

i have no idea that is why i post it up

What is the unit for measuring energy?

The standard unit for measuring energy is the joule (J). Other common units include the calorie (cal) and the kilowatt-hour (kWh).

What si units measures electrical energy?

The SI unit for measuring electrical energy is the joule (J).