Hours are a unit of time, and miles are a unit of distance. They can't be compared in the way that your question requires.
36 feet per second!
There are 4.5 days in 108 hours.
63360 in = 1 mile ⇒ 3.44 x 108 in = 3.44 x 108 ÷ 63360 miles = 542929/99 miles ≈ 5429.293 miles
At an average 60 mph: 108 minutes
Hours are a unit of time, and miles are a unit of distance. They can't be compared in the way that your question requires.
108 miles divided by 0.63 hours = 171.42857142857142
108 ÷ 3 = 36 per minute
Its 1 hour and 44 minutes
36 feet per second!
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 2 hours.
To travel 108 miles in one hour on any highway, you would have to be traveling at a rate of speed of 108mi/h.
108 miles an hours or less
108 miles is 173.81 kilometers.
1 hour 48 minutes at 60 mph
There are 4.5 days in 108 hours.
108 million kilometers is 67108088.7616 miles