108 miles in 2 hours = 108/2 = 54 miles per hour.
A cubic foot is a unit of volume. An inch is a unit of distance. The two units are therefore incompatible.
12 inches = 1 foot → 108 inches = 108 ÷ 12 feet = 9 feet.
108 yards=324 feet
9 feet. 9 ft = 108 in.
108 miles in 2 hours = 108/2 = 54 miles per hour.
About 108 mph at that rate of travel.
108 ÷ 3 = 36 per minute
By unit of length and distance and conversion ,we can say that 1 feet=12 inches 9 feet= 108 inches
A cubic foot is a unit of volume. An inch is a unit of distance. The two units are therefore incompatible.
12 inches = 1 foot → 108 inches = 108 ÷ 12 feet = 9 feet.
108 centimeters = 3.54 feet.
108 feet = 32.92 meters.
108 centimeters = 3.54 feet.
108 centimeters is about 3.5 feet
108 yards=324 feet
It is approx 0.35 feet.