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Geometry is used as a conceptual language to transliteral the meaning of conceptual order in design. The abstract definition is used to demostrate pathways in elliptical orbit using the transeptual phi. Geometry is used to determine measurement, speed velocity, momentum, direction, distance, relativity, and probabilitic measure in astronomical bodies, through equations of multiplicity using point axes in determinable coordinates, using inference models in relational relativity point span. Geometry is the point of resolution through which the observer determines the observable world, and thus comes to know himself.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Trigonometry is used heavily in astronomy. Erastothenes (ancient Greek) used shadow angles in different parts of the world to determine the circumference of the Earth.

Parallax also uses trigonometry to determine the distance to different objects

The definition of a unit of distance used in astronomy is defined with angles (look up the definition of parsec)

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10y ago

One of the uses is to estimate distances to distant objects using parallax. A star, for example, will appear to move against more distant objects as the earth goes around the sun. The diameter of the earth's orbit is used as the base of a triangle. The two angles that the star makes with the plane of the earth's orbit (or with the Earth-Sun line) from each of those positions are known. Using this information and trigonometry, it is possible to estimate the distance to a star.

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15y ago

It is used to calculate the great distances and volumes involved in Astronomy.

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13y ago

None. You do not need any knowedge of astronomy to study and be an expert at trigonometry.

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math rumble this letter ironqle

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What is the purpose of trigonometry?

The purpose of trigonometry is to gather as much accurate measurements of distances given little information about angles or other distances. It is used in engineering, astronomy, city planning, drafting and designing, and construction.

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lalaki:salad ohh babae:unsay salad itug-an tikag police karon.......... :D

How do astronomers use trigonometry?

One example of an astronomer's use of trigonometry is determining the distance to a star by triangulation.

What do mechanics use trigonometry for?

Mechanics use trigonometry to find angles mostly used in body or chassis work.

Do farmers use trigonometry?

Well, if Edward Cullen the bloodsucking vampire can use trigonometry. Then I am asuming farmers can as well.