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They perform bitwise operations like AND (&), OR (|), XOR (^) and NOT (~).

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Q: What is the use of bitwise operator in c plus plus?
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How do you swap two numbers with bitwise operator in c plus plus?

// Note: ^ is the XOR operator a = a ^ b b = b ^ a a = a ^ b

What is the memory management operator in c plus plus?

There is no memory management operator in C++ -- it is an unmanaged language. You use the C++ new operator to allocate memory, and use the C++ delete operator to release previously allocated memory.

What is the meaning of and in C programming language and when is it used?

logical and: exp1 && exp2 means: exp1==0 ? 0 : exp2==0 ? 0 : 1

What is the operator of power in c plus plus?

There is no "power" operator in C or C++. You need to the use the math library function pow().

How is a bitwise copy created in c plus plus?

You could just use memcpy(3), using sizeof() to get the object size.

What are the various operators available in c language?

There are eight types of operators which are used in C language.These are- 1.Arithmetic operator 2.Assignment operator 3.Relational operator 4.Increment/Decrement operator 5.Bitwise operator 6.Logical operator 7.Conditional operator 8.Additional operator 1.Arithmetic operator:Arithmetic operators are mathmetical operator.These are addition,Subtraction,Multiplication and divison. 2.Assignment operator:Assignment operators are used to store the result of an expression to a variable.

What is use of l in c language?

Bitwise OR.

Why are there 2 plus sign in c plus plus and Why not a single plus sign?

In C and in C++, the ++ operator means to increment. C++ was intended to be the next version, i.e. the incremental next step, of C, hence the use of the ++ operator.

Which is the code to multiply a number num1 by 2 using bitwise operator in c?

num1 <<= 1; /* shift left */

What are logical classes in c plus plus?

There is no such thing. Logic is bitwise operation, not a data type.

What is the function of symboland in C programming?

The symbol and (ampersand, &) in C and C++ programming is the bitwise inclusive or operator. If there are two ampersands (&&) it is a relational inclusive or operator. As a unary operator, it means to take the address of something. In C++, it can also be overridden in a class method to mean nearly anything else.

What is the operator that cannot be overloaded in c plus plus and java?

conditional operator , size of operator , membership operator and scope resulation operator can not be overload in c++