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A merit list will be prepared based on the total marks of 200. In cases where more than one candidate have got the same marks in the common merit list, the inter-se merit among such candidates shall be determined in the order of priority as specified below

  1. Percentage of marks in Mathematics
  2. Percentage of marks in Physics
  3. Percentage of marks in the fourth optional subject
  4. Date of Birth (elder will be given preference)
  5. Random number assigned (higher value will be given preference)
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Q: What is the use of random numbers in counseling?
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What is the use of random number in medical counseling?

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How do you get a random number from a group of numbers in C?

Random numbers cannot be generated programatically. For pseudo-random numbers use function 'rand'.

How do you find your random number for engineering counseling?

Using your application number you can find your random number.Go to the Website here u can find your random for engineering counseling.

What does it mean to generate random numbers in Java?

Generating random numbers in Java is somewhat of a misnomer because the numbers are actually semi-random.It means to use the program to obtain random integers to use in hypothetical situations such as statistics.

How can random numbers be generated in Java?

Random numbers can be generated in Java using the "random" class. One needs a single "random" object to generate a series of random numbers as a unit.

How do you find your random number for medical counseling?

Using application number

What is meant by random number in engineering counseling?

sorry i don't know

How do you find random no for medical counseling?

i want to know my random number and A.R.number of medical counselling for the year 2012-2013

Why are random numbers useful in PHP?

Random numbers can be used for many different things. Personally i use the rand() directive for security measures to define a session identifier. Also i use the rand feature (sometimes) for user authentication while using captcha images. basically, when you need a random number, use rand() ;)

Why do you use pseudorandom numbers in simulation?

Generation of random numbers is not a simple process. In order for a number to be truly random it must be uniformly distributed (each random number in the interval of random numbers has equal chance of being selected), efficiently generated (the random numbers hsould not degenerate into constant values or recycle too frequently) and absent of patterns. Computers can generate random numbers using a mathematical process that artificially creates psuedorandom numbers more efficiently than true random numbers can be generated in a process akin to spinning the roulette wheel.

Use a random number table to get a list of six random numbers from 1 to 8615?

5482, 7919, 3120, 1521, 6985, and 1970.

Why is it important to ensure that an experimental sample is totally random?

To ensure that the results produced from your sample are fair and true. For example, if you had to pick 10 random numbers between 1 and 6, you could just say numbers that come into your head, but that wouldn't be random because you're choosing the numbers. A more random and fair way would be to roll a die 10 times and use those numbers, because you are in no way picking the numbers.