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To ensure that the results produced from your sample are fair and true. For example, if you had to pick 10 random numbers between 1 and 6, you could just say numbers that come into your head, but that wouldn't be random because you're choosing the numbers. A more random and fair way would be to roll a die 10 times and use those numbers, because you are in no way picking the numbers.

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Q: Why is it important to ensure that an experimental sample is totally random?
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What is experimental variation?

Experimental variation refers to the differences in outcomes or results that are observed between different trials or groups within an experiment. These variations can arise due to factors such as measurement errors, environmental conditions, or random chance. Minimizing experimental variation is important to ensure the reliability and validity of the experimental results.

Why is replication important in experimental?

Observed results are less likely to be affected by random chance.

Why is replication important and experimental design?

Observed results are less likely to be affected by random chance.

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The procedure is called random assignment. It involves randomly assigning participants to either the experimental group or the control group to help ensure that any differences in the groups are due to the treatment being tested and not other factors.

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Random assignment ensures that participants in an experiment have an equal chance of being assigned to different experimental conditions. This helps to control for potential biases and ensures that any differences in outcomes can be attributed to the treatment being tested rather than other factors.

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You're question is totally random. :p

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Why is replication in experimental design?

Observed results are less likely to be affected by random chance.

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A quasi-experimental design is a research method that resembles an experimental design but lacks the element of random assignment to groups. This means that the groups are not formed randomly, making it less able to establish causation between variables. It is often used when true experimentation is not feasible due to ethical, logistical, or practical reasons.

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What test provides a statement of probability that experimental outcome was due to random variation?

statistical testing