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A "square root" is an important mathematical concept.

Let's look at a very well known, simple and yet important example. We can use square roots to calculate the unknown side of a right angled triangle using Pythagoras' theorem (where we know the other two sides).

If you think about that you will see that there are potentially many occasions on which people may utilise this. An architect or engineer, for example, who is designing something may rely on it. That, by itself, is a very broad category ranging from perhaps a carpenter who simply wants to cut some wood into triangles, all the way to an engineer working on the hugely complex design of a new fighter aircraft.

Another simple example would be to reflect that certain fundamental laws of the Universe could not be explained without the use of squares and square roots. The pull of gravity, for example, varies in inverse proportion to the square of the distance between the two masses. Sir Isaac newton may have spent all his days under a tree with apples bombarding his head if he couldn't make use of square roots!

I will leave the reader to ponder on all the other jobs and concepts which, to one degree or another, make use of this concept. I would suggest that there are lots, without even needing to consider some of the more complicated mathematical concepts and applications that make use of square roots.

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10 jobs that use square roots?

10 mathematicians.

When do you use square roots in real life?

When measuring distance

What is the square root of 11449?

The square roots are -1.07 and +1.07The square roots are -1.07 and +1.07The square roots are -1.07 and +1.07The square roots are -1.07 and +1.07

How will you use square roots in life?

if your a maths teacher or anything to do with maths.

Where do you use square roots in everyday life?

while standing in assembly

Where do you use square roots in your daily life?

If you are packing items into a box, you can use square roots along with Pythagorean theorem to help determine if a smaller box could work with items packed diagonally.

What is the square root of 2 square inches?

square inches do not have square roots only number have square roots.

What is the difference between perfect and nonperfect square roots?

Perfect square roots are square roots that have a whole number that can go into it perfectly. Nonperfect square roots are square roots that have decimal numbers going into it. Example: Perfect Square Root: 144- Square Root: 12 Nonperfect Square Root: 24- Square Root: About 4.89

Are all square roots of even numbers rational?

No. The square roots 8 are irrational, as are the square roots of most even numbers.