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Q: What is the value of -3mn 4m - 3 when m 2 and n -4?
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How do you add and subtract polynomials?

Adding and subtracting Polynomials can be simple or difficult, considering your math skills and practices. When you add polynomials, you may first start out by lining them up. First, I'll go over some adding problems.Adding Example:(2ms2+3m2s-4)+(1ms2-10m2s+12)I always start by lining up the two terms beneath eachother, but weather you decide to do it horizonally or vertically is your own perogitive. I, however, will demonstate both.Horizonal Finish:You simply add your like terms and there, wallah'! You have an answer!2ms2+3m2s-4 + 1ms2-10m2s+123ms2-7m2s+8Vertical Finish:Just put your second term below your first term and add the like terms. Use the symbol (- or +) to find the integer of the number.(2ms2 +3m2s -4)+(1ms2-10m2s+12)_________________3ms2 -7m2s +8Subtracting Example:(4m2n-3mn-4m) - (-8m2n-6mn+3)The only way to subtract properly is in a horizonal term, as show in the first section of adding. The subtracing is far, far different from the adding portion, though, sharing little similarities. I'll run you through all the steps of subtracting polynomials.First off, I must remind you, it is only the secondterm where you add the opposite. (Meaning you change all the signs- Ex: -4x2+2-8 ----> 4x2-2+8) The first term remains the same.(4m2n-3mn-4m) - (-8m2n-6mn+3)The first remains the same, add the opposite on the second term.(4m2n-3mn-4m) + (+8m2n+6mn-3)Now you follow the last two steps of adding polynomials (See Above) and finish it either vertically or horizonally.Finishing Subtraction Horizonally:(4m2n-3mn-4m) + (+8m2n+6mn-3)Simply add your like terms and you're done.12m2n+3mn-4m-3Finishing Subtraction Vertically:(4m2n-3mn-4m) + (+8m2n+6mn-3)Line your second term up below your first and add the like terms into one. (- means no term lines up.)(4m2n -3mn -4m - )+ (+8m2n +6mn - -3)______________________12m2n +3mn -4m -3And you're all done. Thank you and have a blessed, math filled day. ;)

What is the value of the algebraic expression 4m 3 if m5?

Unfortunately, this website can't reproduce most mathematical symbols, so we have to guess. The value of 4m + 3 if m = 5 is 23

What is the GCF of 3mn 9 and 12?

The GCF is 3.

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What is the answer to -4m plus 3 equals -8?

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How do you solve 5-4mdivided by 3 equals -7?

To solve for m, we must isolate m: (5-4m)/3 = -7 Multiply both sides by 3: 5-4m = -21 Subtract 5 from both sides: -4m = -26 Divide by -4: m = 13/2 = 6.5