1 million
5 hundred thousand
8 thousand
5 hundred
8 eight
One million, five hundred and eight thousand, five hundred and eight
Its face value is 1 but its place value is 10
if value is 1 then its 1, all depends upon value of x
Its value is 1 when the statement is true and 0 otherwise.Its value is 1 when the statement is true and 0 otherwise.Its value is 1 when the statement is true and 0 otherwise.Its value is 1 when the statement is true and 0 otherwise.
It is the thousandths (1/1000) value position
Because the place value means, where the digit is located with respect to a decimal point. 1 is always 1, but if you place 1 in the tens place value, then the value of that 1 is 10. In the hundreds place value, the value of that 1 is 100. In the hundredths place value, then the value of that 1 is .01.
Absolute value of 1 is 1.
Future Value = Value (1 + t)^n Present Value = Future Value / (1+t)^-n
To increment a value by 1, you have 4 choices:value++;++value;value += 1;value = value + 1;Pre and post processing incrementation/decrementation refers to the first two: ++value and value++.Both do exactly the same, as both will increase the value of 'value' by one.If we have a situation like this:int value = 0;int value1 = 0;value1 = value++;This essentially means:value1 = value;value = value + 1;Where ++value means:value = value + 1;value1 = value;
The numerical value of 1 is 1. The numerical value of any figure is its absolute value, ignoring its negative or positive sign.
Its face value is 1 but its place value is 10
Yes: unsigned char CircLeft (unsigned char value) { if (value&0x80) return (value<<1) + 1; else return (value<<1); } unsigned char CircRight (unsigned char value) { if (value&0x01) return (value>>1) + 0x80; else return (value>>1); }
the value of 6 is 60 000 the value of 7 is 7000 the value of 2 is 200 the value of 4 is 40 the value of 1 is 1
The value of the "1" in 56.123 is 1/10 = one tenth
if value is 1 then its 1, all depends upon value of x
The numerical value of 1 is 1. The numerical value of any figure is its absolute value, ignoring its negative or positive sign.