Its positional place value is forty thousand = 40,000
546210 '5' is five hundred thousand '4' is forty thousand '6' is six thousand '2' is two hundred '1' is ten '0' is zero units.
Absolute value of -4 is 4.
The value of the 4 in 864 is the same regardless of its position. In both cases, it represents the digit 4, which has a numerical value of 4. Therefore, there is no difference in the value of the 4 in 864.
fourty thousand
The digit 4 represents 40,000 = forty thousand
Its positional place value is forty thousand = 40,000
From its placement in the number, the digit 4 represents 40 thousand or 4 ten-thousands
In the number 546,210, the value of the digit 4 is 4,000. This is because the digit 4 is in the thousands place, which represents a value of 4,000. Each place value in a number represents a power of 10, so moving one place to the left increases the value by a factor of 10.
40,000 (forty thousand) It is the ten-thousands place (10^5)
Its positional place value is forty thousand = 40,000
546210 '5' is five hundred thousand '4' is forty thousand '6' is six thousand '2' is two hundred '1' is ten '0' is zero units.
The value of 4 is 4 ones.
Absolute value of -4 is 4.
Absolute value of -4 is 4.