From its placement in the number, the digit 4 represents 40 thousand or 4 ten-thousands
fourty thousand
Its positional place value is forty thousand = 40,000
The digit 4 represents 40,000 = forty thousand
In the number 546,210, the value of the digit 4 is 4,000. This is because the digit 4 is in the thousands place, which represents a value of 4,000. Each place value in a number represents a power of 10, so moving one place to the left increases the value by a factor of 10.
no number; absolute value is always positive. The absolute value of a negative number is positive. For example absolute value of -4 is +4
fourty thousand
Its positional place value is forty thousand = 40,000
40,000 (forty thousand) It is the ten-thousands place (10^5)
4 is in the ten thousands place in the number 546,210 (five hundred forty six thousand ten)
The digit 4 represents 40,000 = forty thousand
546210 '5' is five hundred thousand '4' is forty thousand '6' is six thousand '2' is two hundred '1' is ten '0' is zero units.
In the number 546,210, the value of the digit 4 is 4,000. This is because the digit 4 is in the thousands place, which represents a value of 4,000. Each place value in a number represents a power of 10, so moving one place to the left increases the value by a factor of 10.
Its positional place value is forty thousand = 40,000
no number; absolute value is always positive. The absolute value of a negative number is positive. For example absolute value of -4 is +4
what is the value of 4 in the number 294,506,893,613
basically a absolute value of a number is a positive of that number and a negative of the number. For example the absolute value of 4 is 4 and -4. |4| = 4;-4