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Q: What is the value of 9 to the power of 0?
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Does 9 with the power of 0 have a value of 1?

Yes. Anything raised to a power of zero is equal to 1 except for zero itself.

What is the value of 1 to the power 0?

Anything to the power of 0 is 1.

What is 9 to the o power?

9 to the power of 0 is zero

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What is the value of 9 to the power of 2?

81. (9 to the power of 2 = 9 x 9).

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What is the value of -3 to the Second power?

The value of -3 to the second power is 9.

What is negative 9 to the 0 power?

1 everything to the power of 0 = 1

What is the value of 10 raised to the power of 9?

The value of 10 raised to the power of 9 (109) is 1,000,000,000 or one billion.

What is 8 to the power of 0 times 9?

It is 9