Any value to the power of 'zero' is equal; to '1' So 7^0 = 1 Similarly 7,000,000^0 = 1 Similarly 0.000007^0 = 1
Any number (except zero) to the zero power is 1. -1 If it was positive anything it would be 1. Anything positive to the power -0 = 1 Anything negative to the power -0 = -1
If that is x to the power 0, then it = 1, irrespective of the value of x. Consider for example x =4. x squared is 16. To get from x to the power 2 to x to the power 1, you divide by x, giving 4 to the power 1 = 4. Similarly, to get from x to the power 1 to x to the power 0, you divide by x, giving 4 to the power zero = 1.
log 1 = 0 if log of base 10 of a number, N, is X logN = X means 10 to the X power = N 10^x = 1 x = 0 since 10^0 = 1
0 since anything to the power of 0 = 1
1. Anything to the power of 0 is equal to 1.
-30 is the same as -(30) based on the order of operations. 30 is 1 and the opposite of it is -1. (-3)0 is taking the whole expression to the 0 power. Anything to the 0 power is 1.
It is indeterminate as it cannot be sure if it is 0 or 1.
0^1 means 0x0 which gives you zero. Do note that 1^0 and 0^1 is not the same.
Any value to the power of 'zero' is equal; to '1' So 7^0 = 1 Similarly 7,000,000^0 = 1 Similarly 0.000007^0 = 1
Any value raised to the power 'zero'(0) equals '1'. Hence 2^(0) = 1 10 ^(0) = 1 Hence 2^(0) X 10^(0) = 1 x 1 = 1 the answer.
Anything to the power of zero is 1.Not only 40 to the power 0,but any value (except 0)to the power zero will be one.
Every number to the power of 0 equals 1.because the the power of x is 1 because 1 have no value
1 to the power of anything is always 1.
hat is the value of 1,634,510 to the 0 power?