1942 is a very common year so if the coin shows any wear at all the value is about $3.00 just for the silver.
This is a very common date for Mercury dimes. If it has any wear at all the value is for the silver, about $2.00.
what is the value for an American 1909 silver dime
Nothing. There is no such thing. The most silver any dime has is 90%. This is most likely what you have.
Average value is $3.00-$5.00.
If it has any wear at all the value is for the silver only about $1.00. A uncirculated 1942 dime is about $2.50
1942 is a very common year so if the coin shows any wear at all the value is about $3.00 just for the silver.
a 1942 Mercury Head dime is very common, if it has any wear the value is for the silver about $2.00.
This is a very common date for Mercury dimes. If it has any wear at all the value is for the silver, about $2.00.
Average retail value of a VF Mercury dime is $3.00. As of 3-23-11 the silver value is $2.60 for each coin.
A 1942 Mercury silver dime could be worth between $2.00 and $30.00 depending on its condition and grade.
The "aw' you see is just the monogram of the designer Adolph Weinman, it's on every Mercury head dime. 1942 is a very common year so if the coin shows any wear at all the value is about $2.00 just for the silver.
yes. all dimes up to 1964 are made of silver
what is the value for an American 1909 silver dime
Retail values for circulated coins are $2.00-$3.00 Mint state coins are $5.00
The year is very common for Mercury dimes, regardless of any mintmarks retail value is $2.00-$3.00 in circulated condition.
Nothing. There is no such thing. The most silver any dime has is 90%. This is most likely what you have.