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This is a very common date for Mercury dimes. If it has any wear at all the value is for the silver, about $2.00.

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Q: What is the value of the 1942 mercury dime?
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What is the value of 1942 mercury dime bracelet?

Place on auction and see what the market will bear.

What is the monetary value of a 1942 mercury dime?

The Monetary Value is 10 cents. The intrinsic value is about $2.50. The numismatic value is $3.00.

How much is a 1942 Mercury Dime worth?

The value is $3 if it is in mint condition. $2 if circulated.

How much is a1942 Liberty head dime worth?

a 1942 Mercury Head dime is very common, if it has any wear the value is for the silver about $2.00.

What is the value of a 1880 Mercury dime?

The first MERCURY dime was struck in 1916

What is the value of a 1942 aw dime?

The "aw' you see is just the monogram of the designer Adolph Weinman, it's on every Mercury head dime. 1942 is a very common year so if the coin shows any wear at all the value is about $2.00 just for the silver.

What is a the value of a 1942 Lady Liberty coin?

That generic description could apply to both a 1942 half-dollar and a dime. Please see the appropriate question for more information: "What is the value of a 1942 US half dollar?" "What is the value of a 1942 Mercury dime?"

What is the value of a 1942 Mercury dime s?

Mercury Head dimes dated from 1940 to 1945 regardless of mintmarks (if any) are very common. Coins in average circulated condition have a retail value of $3.00

What is the value of a 1942 silver dime?

1942 is not a rare date for Mercury dimes. In circulated condition, it has about 75 cents worth of silver in it. A nice uncirculated one is worth about $5

What is the value of 1942 p silver mercury dime?

Retail values for circulated coins are $2.00-$3.00 Mint state coins are $5.00

What is the value of 5 1942 vf silver dimes?

Average retail value of a VF Mercury dime is $3.00. As of 3-23-11 the silver value is $2.60 for each coin.

What was a 1942 us mercury dime worth?

It ranges from $1.50 to $400.