The gun is a Standardweight Auto 5 made in 1964. Value depends on features,grade and condition.
Depends on year and how low the serial number is.
The value of a Cooey 84, Serial number 37769 is $225. Also the value of a Cooey 84, Serial number 37769 is two hundred and twenty five dollars. Hope this helped!
You can't value anything with just a serial number. Who made it? What condition is it in? Is it a hand gun or a long gun?
The percentage of a partial bill really has little to do with its value. Any bill is worth its face value if it contains a complete serial number and any part of the other serial number.
That's a model number, not a serial number. These guns did not bear serial numbers. The Stevens 38A was made in the 1940's. Value is typically around $100 in excellent condition.
50-500 usd
Impossible to value with only the serial number.
Impossible to value with just the serial number.
Impossible to value with just the serial number.
Impossible to value with just the serial number.
what is the value of a Gretsch banjo, serial number 58036?
Impossible to value a firearm with only the serial number provided.
No way to value with just the serial number.
Impossible to value a weapon with only the serial number.
Just by the serial number, no.
Impossible to value a weapon with only the serial number and no other information.
Impossible to value with only the serial number.