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Q: What is the value of f(x) 2 2 x for f(2)?
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If fx equals 3x-5 then f2 equals?

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What is the value of fx at x-2?

That depends what the function is! Just replace every occurrence of "x" by "x-2", and do any required simplifications.

What is Fx equals 3x plus 2 when x equals 3?

At x = 3, the value of F(x) = 3x + 2 is the value 11, which graphs to the point (3, 11).

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y = f(x) = (x-5)2. At x = 5, the y value is zero, so the point (5,0).

What is the answer to F times x equals x squared minus 3?

Are you trying to solve for x? Fx = x2 - 3 x2 - Fx - 3 = 0 x2 - Fx = 3 x2 - Fx + (F/2)2 = 3 + (F/2)2 (x - F/2)2 = 3 + (F/2)2 x - F/2 = ±[ 3 + (F/2)2 ]1/2 x = F/2 ± [ 3 + (F/2)2 ]1/2

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What is the inverse of fx equals 2x?

g(x) = x/2

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You replace x with 1, and 36 times 1 = 36.

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f(71.19) = 71 where int(x) is the integer value of a number

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The function f(x) = 3x + 2 can take any real value, so the question does not seem to make any sense.

How many molecules are in 85g of Fluorine gas?

1 mole F2 = 37.996g F2 = 6.022 x 1023 molecules F2 85g F2 x 6.022 x 1023 molecules F2/37.996g F2 = 1.3 x 1024 molecules F2

How do you solve for variable fx in statistics?

It depends on whether fx denotes frequency times variable value or the probability generating function for the variable x.