Five to the power of two, also known as five squared, is equal to twenty-five (25).
5^2= 25
It is 25. 5 x 5 = 25.
Anything to the power of zero is 1
The value of 4 to the power of -2 is 0.0625
52 = 25
0.03 is the square power
Anything to the power of zero is 1
The value of 4 to the power of -2 is 0.0625
52 = 25
0.03 is the square power
It is: 2 to the power of 8 = 256
570,000,000 or five hundred seventy million
Just write it as 2 to the power n. You can't simplify that, and you can only calculate a specific value if you know the value of n.
Just 2 2 to power 3 is 2x2x2=8 2 to power 2 is 2x2=4 2 to power 1 is 2