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It is 1.25 modern pennies.

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Q: What is the value of george 6th threepenny bit?
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What is the value of a 1953 threepenny bit?

The value of a 1953 threepenny bit depends on its condition. In circulated condition, a 1953 threepenny bit is worth around 0.40, while one in uncirculated condition can be worth up to 2.50. The value of a 1953 threepenny bit can also depend on its mint mark, with coins bearing the 'S' mint mark being worth more than those with 'H' mint marks. Circulated condition: 0.40 Uncirculated condition: 2.50 'S' Mint Mark: More Valuable than 'H' Mint Mark

What is a 1958 threepenny bit worth?

Very little - unless there is something 'unique' about the coin - there were thousands of threepenny bits minted.

How much is 1937 threepenny bit worth?

10000 pounds

How do you set 6th bit of a number to 0 of a 16-bit number irrespective of its initial value?

In C: result = value & ~0xFFDF

What is most significant bit?

In a byte MSB is the bit that represents value 2^7, LSB is the bit that represents value 2^0.

What does a Three pence 1927 look like?

The 3p coin in 1927 was a 12-sided coin - roughly the same size and thickness as the modern-day pound coin. Type 'threepenny bit' into Wikipedia for pictures of how the coin looked,

A wildcard mask bit x means check the corresponding bit value while a wildcard mask bit y means ignore that corresponding bit value?

x -> 0 y -> 1

What is the maximum value that can be represented by an 8-bit integer within the 8 bit integer limit?

The maximum value that can be represented by an 8-bit integer is 255 within the 8-bit integer limit.

How many bits are in a bit?

one bit, holding a value 1 or 0.

What is the meaning of bit-width?

bit width is the sizelength of the register which is assigned a value

What is the value of the most significant bit in the bit pattern 01111111?


Who invented railway?

MR GEORGE STEPHENSON did not invent the railways. See discussion. No one invented railways. They came about through evolution - bit by bit development.