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Infinity is in essence, all possible quantity that can ever exist. It forever escapes any effort to reach it as if it were a countable quantity.

However, it can be plotted on a number line if only it and zero (or any ONE finite number by itself) are the only labeled members of the number line, with infinity (constituting all possible quantity) necessarily being the absolute terminus of the line (on either end mind you, since there is a 'negative' infinity as well).

At that point, it becomes impossible to accurately plot any other finite numbers (no matter how large), as all other finite numbers you would wish to plot would appear to be on virtually the same point as zero or the finite number you chose to be on the line (though precisely-speaking, it would be infinitesimally close).

This quality of all finite numbers appearing to be at the same point on the line, is related to the idea of why 1 and 7 can (nonsensically from a finite number perspective) appear to be equal in these equations:

infinity + 1 = infinity

infinity + 7 = infinity

therefore, 1 = 7

infinity - 1 = infinity

infinity - 7 = infinity

therefore, 1 = 7

infinity * 1 = infinity

infinity * 7 = infinity

therefore, 1 = 7

infinity / 1 = infinity

infinity / 7 = infinity

therefore, 1 = 7

(Of course, you can select any two finite numbers as you wish. It matters not.)

It is because infinity cannot be affected by this kind of basic mathematical manipulation designed for finite numbers, and is not plottable whatsoever from the perspective of a finite-only number line.

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