The value of one million is that it tells us what comes after nine hundred and niney nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine, when we are counting.
The value of million is one million times the value of one.
One hundred million dollars ($100,000,000) is the value of one billion dimes.
The value of the number six is sixty-one million
10000000 or 10 million.
The value next to million is BILLION
The value of million is one million times the value of one.
1,000,000 is the value of one million
One million = 1,000,000
One hundred million dollars ($100,000,000) is the value of one billion dimes.
one million = ten lakhs( 1000000.00)
There isn't a note with the value of one million dollar.
The value of 671248101 is 671 million, 248 hundred thousand and one hundred and one.
One million is 1 x 106 or just 106 or 1,000,000 as we write it out.
The value of the number six is sixty-one million
At least one million.
10000000 or 10 million.