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6.626x10-34 m2kg/s is the value of Plank's constant.

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Q: What is the value of planks constant?
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What is the value of planks's constant?


What is value of planks constant?


Is gas constant equal to planks constant?

No, gas constant is having a value of 8.314Jk-1mol-1 Whereas plancks constant has a value of 6.6*10-31

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Unit of planks constant?

meter2 - kilogram per second

A wave with large amount of energy has a large?

The greater the frequency the greater the energy. related by the equation:E=hf. E is the energy, h is a constant called planks constant and has a value of6.626068 × 10-34 m2 kg / sf is the frequency.

What is a value that does not change?

A value that does not change is a constant.

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A "constant"

What constant is in c?

constant is a fixed value that do not changed during execution constant is a fixed value that do not changed during execution

What is difference between simple constant and arbitrary constant?

Constant is just a value, a fixed value that doesn't change. And arbitrary constant is a value that is fixed throughout multiple functions you pick for ease of calculations.

What does the mathematical term constant mean?

It means a value that isn't a variable.For example, "X" is a variable, since its value can vary.Now, the number "33" is a constant, because its value is constant, or unchanging.(If 33 were to become 34, it wouldn't be 33 anymore.)(If x's value were to change from 5 to 8, it's still x, but its value varied.)

What is the value of the Rydberg constant in centimeters?

The value of the Rydberg constant in centimeters is approximately 109,737.315 cm-1.